Kim, of
Paper Punch Addiction, sent me this wonderful award last week. Since I have been having a lot of electronics issues, and now plumbing issues, not me, my apartment, I'm a little late in expressing my gratitude. Thank you, Kim, it's certainly an honor to receive such an award from someone with your talent. This is also my first blogger award!
Now, I'm supposed to share eight things about myself:
*I work full time as a server/bartender for a large national chain of restaurants, but I have worked as a Social Worker and in the field of nursing for 15 years.
*I am favorite Aunt to David, Joe, Jenny, and Katie.
*I can burp really loud, and my Mom doesn't think it's very lady like and it's gross!
*My parents went to the same high school as Richie Valens (La Bamba).
*I am a Daughter of the Civil War, my great great grandfather and two of my great great uncles were all Union Soldiers.
*I'm the youngest of three children and my parent's favorite!
*My favorite job that I have ever had was the year I worked as a "hawker" at Gillette Stadium home of the World's Greatest Football team, The New England Patriots.
*I can recite any scene from Tommy Boy, The Breakfast Club, Joe Dirt, and Corky Romano!
I am sending the award to the ladies that inspire me:
http://www.paperpunchaddiction.com/ (of course!)
Thanks for stopping by,